This semester marks my twentieth year at Rensselaer. As I reflect upon this period, I've never before had as strong a sense that Rensselaer was moving onward and upward. Last November, I was asked by Dr. Jackson to chair the Vice President of Student Life Search Committee. Through the many conversations that I've had with students since the inception of the search, I'm now aware of the dramatic changes that have taken place since the time that I was in college-generated by a combination of societal shifts, the extraordinary influence of technology and, of course, the web.
TROY, NY, July 5, 2001 - Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, President of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, today announced that the innovative, London-based architecture firm of Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners has been selected to design Rensselaer's new Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center.