Natasha Barrett
Using an orchestra of over 20 individual loudspeakers, Natasha Barrett will perform works of her own and that of the “great old master-innovator” French composer Luc Ferrari.
Part I: 26 Minutes
- Music Promenade — Luc Ferrari
- Red Snow — Natasha Barrett
Part II: 19 Minutes
- Selections from FAR-WEST NEWS — Luc Ferrari
- Episode 2 Part I
- Episode 3 Part II
- Episode 3 Part III
- Episode 2 Part V
Part III: 55 Minutes
- Trade Winds — Natasha Barrett
For this concert, each composition exists as a recording, instead of a musical score. As a performer, she will interpret these works by projecting them through space live, through speakers in, around, and above the audience, creating unique realizations of each piece. On the program will be RED SNOW and TRADE WINDS, two of her recent works. Both pieces are intense and intricate — full of dramatic gesture, vivid sounds, and elusive narratives. She will also perform Ferrari’s MUSIC PROMENADE and selections from FAR WEST NEWS. MUSIC PROMENADE is a visually evocative collage of disparate sounds and the memories they trigger. In FAR WEST NEWS, Ferrari and his wife travel from France to the USA to take the iconic American road trip West to the Grand Canyon and Los Angeles. The resulting experiences and sounds are transformed into anecdotal narratives– expressed through quirky combinations of field recordings and Ferrari’s oddball psychoanalytic synth overlays.