"Phillip Adams' work approaches the sublime in the most sophisticated sense of the term — his choreography often exceeds the boundaries of the rational mind to produce an experience beyond words, logic or interpretation." — John Bailey, Sunday Age
BalletLab’s Miracle is a triumphant onslaught of choreographic hysteria performed against repetitive mantra, movement, and hymn-like voices. Dealing in themes of the afterlife, eternity and cult behavior, Miracle creates a sonic and physical world of overwhelming fervor, spiraling group dynamics, and intense sound. Miracle gravitates toward the emotionally challenging terrain of iconographic religious imagery, communal living, and the behavioral patterns of revolutionary cult groups in the 1960s and ‘70s. The examination of cult mass suicides, including the Jonestown massacre of 1978, inspired the conceptual thread of blind belief as the gateway to the afterlife. Please note that this performance contains nudity and loud moments.