The Hant Variance
A work in progress performance as part of a residency in which Pete Edwards (Casper Electronics, Troy, NY) and Sabisha Friedberg develop a composition influenced by the audience’s movement through space. Using array of loudspeakers distributed in three-dimensional space throughout Studio 1, they explore how frequency waves interact with one another and physical bodies, canceling each other out or making sounds audible.
Edwards and Friedberg will be controlling the piece from stations in the center of the room, reacting to the sonic environment created around them. The score is inspired by various scientific and metaphysical sources, including the writings of Vic Tandy, which suggest that certain sonic equations yield supernatural experiences. This exploration of the aural and the physical—informed scientifically, logistically and intuitively—will be the basis of this experiential performance.
Main Image: The Hant Variance in studio 1, 2012. Photo: EMPAC/Rensselaer.