three people bent over in a room


Revital Cohen & Tuur van Balen, Ho Rui An, Dana Michel, Bahar Noorizadeh, Total Refusal, Wu Tsang, and Constantina Zavitsanos
October 2–8, 2024

Decommission features film, visual art, and movement-based projects that enact critiques of antagonistic infrastructures. Decommissioning refers to the practice of removing equipment or infrastructure from service. Often applied in a military context to retired weaponry, here, decommission plays against the idea of an artistic commission. Decommission’s featured projects exist in relationship to debt, material lack, and breakdown, rather than surplus and optimization. In spite or because of such depletion, these works exhibit rigor without regimentation, agility in the face of inaccess.

Dana Michel’s performance MIKE focuses on labor. The film program a gift horse’s mouth considers the impact of technology and its economy on the body. Constantina Zavitsanos’s talk concerns debt and dependency as it factors into their sculpture and performance practice. Together, these programs allow for inquiry into themes that are central to contemporary art, media theory, and other fields that engage with new media--such as the potential for technological innovation to be yoked to militaristic agendas; and whether artistic critique is possible under conditions of extreme financialization.

In Decommission, artists consider what is left of techne (instrumentality, technique, production) after obsolescence, destruction, or financial hardship puncture our sense of technology. Watching tools shift from vectors of innovation to compromised social artifacts, featured artists engage aesthetic methods that remain attentive to the physical fragility and social vulnerability of media.

–Katherine C.M. Adams

Main Image: Revital Cohen & Turr van Balen, Daughter of Dog, film still, 2024. Courtesy of the artists.

Presented By

EMPAC Fall 2024

Event Type



EMPAC 2024 FALL is made possible by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. EMPAC’s programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 7PM

EMPAC Fall 2024

Revital Cohen & Tuur van Balen, Ho Rui An, Bahar Noorizadeh, Total Refusal, and Wu Tsang
October 4 + 5, 2024

EMPAC Fall 2024

Dana Michel
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 6PM

EMPAC Fall 2024

Time-Based Visual Art, Talk
Constantina Zavitsanos