The Cruise

November 13–16, 2011
Studio 2

While in residence, eteam (Franziska Lamprecht and Hajoe Moderegger) worked on The Cruise, recording a three-and-a-half hour monologue performed by Maja Sweeny. An audio film for radio, The Cruise was inspired by daily observations of a waitress on a cruise ship who habitually kept track of every task she performed: number of footsteps taken, number of words spoken, tea drinkers who appeared, non-tea drinkers who didn’t, cuts to prepare the sandwiches, waves that passed, temperature, etc. Based on their observations and the waitress’s log, eteam wrote a script that covered six days on board the ship. The resulting monologue premiered on WGXC, an upstate New York community radio station that is a division of Wave Farm.

eteam works at the intersection of relational aesthetics, the Internet, and land art, and coordinates collective happenings and conceptual transactions.

Contemporary Performance