a Black woman laying in a field surrounded by an old brick building

Gestures Investigating the Good and Not So Good In Relationships – As Shown to Us by Blondell Cummings

Katherine Simóne Reynolds & A.J. McClenon

Visual, sound, and performance artists Katherine Simóne Reynolds and A.J. McClenon return to further develop their video collaboration, Gestures Investigating the Good and Not So Good In Relationships – As Shown to Us by Blondell Cummings (2022), from its previous online format into a three-dimensional, multi-channel installation with live performance interventions.

Main Image: A.J. McClenon and Katherine Simóne Reynolds, Gestures Investigating the Good and Not So Good In Relationships – As Shown to Us by Blondell Cummings, 2022. Video still. Courtesy the artists.

a Black woman laying in a field surrounded by an old brick building

A.J. McClenon and Katherine Simóne Reynolds, Gestures Investigating the Good and Not So Good In Relationships – As Shown to Us by Blondell Cummings, 2022. Video still.

Courtesy the artist
a person crouched in a field behind a old brick building

A.J. McClenon and Katherine Simóne Reynolds, Gestures Investigating the Good and Not So Good In Relationships – As Shown to Us by Blondell Cummings, 2022. Video still.

Courtesy the artist