"To 'deform' all objects in the world into one kind of measurement… It has to do with fascism: somebody has one idea (one ideology), and everything / everyone has to obey this law, even if it sucks life out of everything. if you do not want to obey, you will die. So yes, a lot of fun to understand how the postmodern human being is being 'molded' to a same measurement. Or wants to be 'molded'"
—Kris Verdonck
ISOS is a 3D video installation inspired by the apocalyptic science fiction novels of J.G. Ballard. Theater maker and visual artist Kris Verdonck worked extensively in residence on this installation, which focuses on the feeling of estrangement and “unheimlichkeit” (or eeriness) that arises from the tension between man and machine. Following the residency, an audience was invited to an open studio and lecture demonstration of his innovative stereoscopic filming techniques. Verdonck and his collaborators worked at EMPAC to construct precision sets, create custom lighting effects for microcosmic sets, and on a challenging 3D shoot with two high-definition cameras mounted for a bird’s-eye perspective.
Kris Verdonck’s visual arts, architecture, and theater training is reflected in the work he creates: his creations are situated between visual arts and theater, installation and performance, and dance and architecture.