Mary Armentrout Dance Theater
Mary Armentrout Dance Theater is in residence developing a new EMPAC commission, Listening Creates an Opening, to premiere in fall 2018.
This work-in-progress showing will include a performance of choreography as well as footage from a year-long video time lapse taken onsite at EMPAC. The central focus of this new work is how our relationship to technology changes when we are conscious of our physical movements with and around it. Leading the audience between different performance sites, Listening Creates an Opening will also explore what types of histories and contexts reveal themselves from this consciously embodied perspective. This work-in-progress showing will take the audience from a turn-of-the-century Rensselaer classroom to the contemporary EMPAC building, while the final piece will extend this journey to various performance sites on Rensselaer’s campus and in downtown Troy.
This is a promenading performance with the audience standing and moving, sometimes long distances, between venues. Please wear comfortable footwear, dress for the outdoors, and let our box office know if you need assistance. We will have accessibility accommodations for those unable to walk long distances or stand for extended periods.