Ward of the Feral Horses
Commissioned, developed and produced as part of the DANCE MOViES Commission, a program that supports the creation of new dance works for the screen, with projects developed and produced through the EMPAC artist-in-residence program, interdisciplinary artist Orit Ben-Shitrit explores the sensation of a person being trapped in their body. Has the loss of privacy in our public and private lives gone too far? Why do we have the need to go wild? How can we break free? In the past 30 years, we have gradually moved from industrial production to a cognitive phase of Capitalism. From social networks to the marketplace, our online presence has merged the public with the private to an unprecedented degree of personal exposure.
NEW YORK CITY, USA ..... TIMES SQUARE ..... JUNE 10–15, 2020
Main Image: Production shot from Ward of the Feral Horses in 2014, on location in downtown Troy, NY. Photo: Mick Bello/EMPAC.