an inverted image of two people sitting on stage

Trilogy for Two Pianos, Tape, and Live Electronics

Brigitta Muntendorf
August 5–11, 2024
EMPAC Studio 1—Goodman

Pianists Ning Yu and Corey Smythe, along with technologist and performer Levy Lorenzo, develop and prepare Brigitta Muntendorf’s two piano work Trilogy for two pianos, tape, and live electronics for its premiere at the 2024 edition of TIME:SPANS Festival in New York City.

Brigitta Muntendorf makes the concert introduction at the festival with curator Amadeus Julian Regucera.

Main Image: Brigitta Muntendorf, Trilogy, concert video still, 2018. Pictured (l-r): Andreas Grau, Götz Schumacher. Courtesy the artist. 


August 11, 2024