Constants is a concert performance by musician and composer Sarah Davachi. Performing a single work of electronic analog synthesizer-based music in the EMPAC Concert Hall, Davachi fills the resonant space with gradually transforming musical strata. She invites the listener to an inner world of sonic detail informed by minimalist tenets, formal concepts from early music, and the experimental recording practices of the studio environment.
Beneath the unassuming and placid surface of Constants, intricacies of musical space weave a tapestry of complex relationships between tuning, intonation, timbre, and psychoacoustic phenomena. The slowness of Davachi’s music allows its subtle beauty to blossom and reveal itself over the course of the hour-long performance. Microtonal variations, resonant harmonics, and temporal distortions are just a few of the characteristics of her world. As Davachi suggests, “it’s like showing a painting in bits as opposed to showing the entire thing all at once.”
All ticket holders are invited to stay for a reception following the performance.
Main Image: Sarah Davachi, 2017. Courtesy the Artist. Photo: Joe Ruckli.
Dates + Tickets
Reception to follow.
EMPAC Fall 2024
EMPAC 2024 FALL is made possible by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. EMPAC’s programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.